This Blog is on latest technologies,some quick fix and different prototypes they haven't even launched yet to show show u how much the world have progressed

Sunday 1 November 2015

lesson # 2 : logic building

this is where your actual learning begins

before trying to learn any programming language first learn how to use it
like you learn English but you don't know how to do a conversation ...its of no use

so to learn a programming language first you need to learn the skill known as logic building

like  2 + 2 = 4

whats logic in it...??

a)2= 1 &1
b)so 2+2 means  1&1&1&1 
c)which makes it 4

see how i give a logical meaning to math equation

its called divide and conquer method..

def : for a big thing you divide it into tiny compartments and solve each individual ones

this method is going to be used in our next lec