This Blog is on latest technologies,some quick fix and different prototypes they haven't even launched yet to show show u how much the world have progressed

Monday 21 December 2015

Drasphone:Now buy lagre phones and fold them

Imagine having a touchscreen smartphone that you could fold up. That’s a bit impractical right? Well, R&D CORE Limited doesn’t think so because that have come up with a concept for a foldable phone and it’s called Drasphone.
Now that’s an original smartphone! What you’re seeing below is called the Drasphone and it’s a handset that’s meant to combine the clamshell with a flexible handset. This conceptual smartphone is able to bend at 3 points, not two or one.

The concept behind the Drasphone is combining clamshell (flip) design of the 90s with modern day touchscreen display whiling pioneering flexible display technology. There are two ways to fold the phone: half folded which will give you the Squarish MiniDras and a complete fold which will give you the MicroDras. When completely folded, a portion of the screen is left exposed which will display all your notifications and relevant data even when your phone is in sleep mode.


Over the past year, we’ve learned the hard way that our cellular networks aren’t all that secure. As data vulnerabilities become a greater concern, people will demand better protection. The hypersecure Blackphone ensures that all communications remain private when being transmitted to and from the device. The phone runs on PrivatOS, a custom version of Android. In conjunction with an app suite, it can encrypt calls and texts—as well as enable private Web browsing and cloud storage. Messages and calls have unique encryption keys, so only the sender and recipient can decode each one.

afterthe huge sucess of BLACKPHONE in 2015  BLAVK PHONE 2 is launched

The Blackphone 2 acts like any other Android phone, but with a twist: it also runs Silent OS, an enhanced version of Android 5.1.1 Lollipop operating system, which adds a number of additional security features to the device.

 Silent OS is the renamed successor to the "PrivatOS" used on the previous Blackphone.

Apple Pay : feel free to travel without money..!!

Apple Pay allows any person with an iPhone to make payments quickly and securely. Many companies have tried to develop their own mobile payment platforms but Apple’s is likely different. The success of the iPhone means that Apple Pay already has a broad potential user base. New phones have built in finger print sensors which increase security. Apple Pay could make checking out at the grocery store a frictionless and more enjoyable process.