This Blog is on latest technologies,some quick fix and different prototypes they haven't even launched yet to show show u how much the world have progressed

Thursday 31 December 2015

5G the future of communication ..!!

As the next step in the continuous innovation and evolution of the mobile industry, 5G will not only be about a new air interface with faster speeds, but it will also address network congestion, energy efficiency, cost, reliability, and connection to billions of people and devices. In 2014 we heard of new antenna/RF technologies (Massive MIMO, wider bandwidths), proposed deployment of small cells in higher mmWave frequencies, shorter transmission time intervals, reduced latency, and possibly new modulation methods beyond OFDM. With a 2020 commercialization horizon, 2016 be the year when we move from these concepts to technology trials and standards development. And we shall see if/how this year’s ITU World Radio Conference (WRC-15) tackles 5G’s spectrum aspects.