This Blog is on latest technologies,some quick fix and different prototypes they haven't even launched yet to show show u how much the world have progressed

Sunday 20 December 2015


have you ever thought that how your dreams are faded away as soon as u get awake

actually thats not truth to it...they aren't gone but are stored in some compartment of your brain but unlike the regular compartments it can't be fetched when needed
when you are doing something have you ever noticed that sometimes(like once every couple of months) u feel like you have gone through this all but practically you haven't ..but you have in your dream and youjust got a glimpse of the scene from that compartment of your brain

well scientists are trying to discover aa way for humans to fetch open that partcular compartmant of human brain for a period of time and when that happens it will be a revolution in gamming indutry...

till 2015 nerve gears were consider just a dream but with the recent development this dreams seems to be comming true

with this invention your won't be only able to track your dream but also change them and live in them like a real life experience