This Blog is on latest technologies,some quick fix and different prototypes they haven't even launched yet to show show u how much the world have progressed

Thursday 31 December 2015


Molecular communication is an emerging paradigm where bio-nanomachines (e.g., artificial cells, genetically engineered cells) communicate to perform coordinated actions. Unlike traditional communication systems which utilize electromagnetic waves, molecular communications utilize biological molecules both as carriers and as information. The advantages provided by this “molecular” approach to communications are size, biocompatibility, and biostability. 

Examples of applications are drug delivery system (DDS), bio-hybrid implants, and lab-on-a-chip (LoC) systems. This trend is not ready for mass market but with an approach so radically different to Today’s communications, following its developments is a must


It is being reported that communications technologies are responsible for about 2-4% of all of carbon footprint generated by human activity. This highlights the need to focus on managing these numbers, and Green communications is doing just that. The trend is tackling first mobile networks because of their high energy use. Basestations and switching centers could count for between 60% and 85% of the energy used by an entire communication system. Environmentally friendly batteries, renewable energy sources, and intelligent management of the power systems are some of the proposed solutions. Besides this mobile network focus, there is a 2015 and beyond trend to manage total energy usage, compute-to-consumption ratios and performance KPIs for best in class green operations


5G the future of communication ..!!

As the next step in the continuous innovation and evolution of the mobile industry, 5G will not only be about a new air interface with faster speeds, but it will also address network congestion, energy efficiency, cost, reliability, and connection to billions of people and devices. In 2014 we heard of new antenna/RF technologies (Massive MIMO, wider bandwidths), proposed deployment of small cells in higher mmWave frequencies, shorter transmission time intervals, reduced latency, and possibly new modulation methods beyond OFDM. With a 2020 commercialization horizon, 2016 be the year when we move from these concepts to technology trials and standards development. And we shall see if/how this year’s ITU World Radio Conference (WRC-15) tackles 5G’s spectrum aspects.

Project Loon : internet every where...!!!

Google whimsically named Project Loon aims to ensure that every person has Internet access.
The effort relies on balloons that float in the stratosphere. Google plans to lease the Project Loon platform to wireless carriers around the world. This allows Internet service providers to use wireless spectrum they currently own and connect it to the balloon network. 

Google has recently developed an innovative system that makes it possible to pilot the balloons without an on board fuel source. This new development means that it could possibly provide Internet access to the every corner of the planet.

Car-to-Car communication

Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of “driverless cars”. General Motors is working with the University of Michigan and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to develop new software for cars that enhance safety without relinquishing control.

 Car-to-car communication systems transmit their position, speed, break engagement, and other data to all vehicles that are nearby. Algorithms sift through data that is collected many times each second and alert the driver in case of danger.  These systems have the potential to make driving much safer and greatly reduce the number of accidents


Tuesday 22 December 2015


whatsapp is the most famous social app for texting now a day ...all of its credit goes to it perfect data management...which beats all its opponents
actually whatsapp has a limit for the consumption of the ram which makes it viable for the use.... now the easiest way to crash any program is to makes it loaded in such a way it weather its consumption of the memory goes beyond RAM or its parameter 
we can make that happen in whatsapp by cowding a sms in such a way that its parameters are exceeded

attacker could perform the same by sending a very small size (approx 2KB) a message with huge set of characters ( about 2000) to the victim.

And the only thing that the victim can avoid his device from hanging or crashing is that he has to delete the whole history chat on his device
previously it was done with using text but whatsapp fixed the bug by putting limit of text's length
so hacker has found a new way for the crashing message

we can crash an whtasapp app by sending a text with about 4000 smilies .when it receives the text its buffer overflows and the app crashes

the only way to have the app back is to delete the chat history...


IDM IS BLOCKED :just remove its entry files fromyourwindows

if you register with fake IDM serial key ,sometimes it is accepted and sometimes it is not(which is due to fact the IDM has given its fake keys online mixed within web and as so as you enter those its matches it with its log and blocks it)
many users just find it irrating and some want to try it again so all they do is reinstall windows which is absolutely wrong way to deal with it
all you need to do is delete its log file from windows registry after uninstalling
following is the procedure to do it
1.First open up the Start Menu.
  • For Windows xp_ Type “regedit.exe” in the Run Command.
  • For Windows 7/8/10 _ Type “regedit” in the Search Box.
2.After opening Reg. editor then go to edit menu or press F3. Then select “Find Next” and a box will open.
3.Enter the name, “Internet Download Manager” and click “Find next.”
4.Delete the registry and if any registry remains then  press F3 for checking.
5.Repeat the process of deletion until it shows the message “Finished Searching through registry.”
6.After then close it.


so in my last post I tell u about something called chrome canary.....
and i also mentioned that it's not so reliable....

so google is still trying to fix the reasons of the recent crashes...!!

but if u are facing some problem like "chrome has stopped working.....looking for solution" etc..

here are some quick fix

mostly u get about a min till the crash report is within a min u can do something use full that can stop the crashes

  1. go to setting in canary menu<<on the left pan select<<extension<<disable all  ..prob solved if not... goto 2.
  2. setting<<select them <<reset to default...if prob still resides...goto 3.
  3. go to chrome menu <<more tools<<clear browsing data<<clear every thing (history is optional)......if prob is solved ..well and good ..if not move to 4.
  4. go to setting in canary menu<<on the at the bottom click rest to default......problem must be solved...if not than wait for the update..
2. work for me 1st time.....1 worked for me 2nd time...and 3rd time there was noting left so  4th was my only go..thanks..!!!!

P.S(as soon as u launch canary press ctrl+shift+n to go into incoginate mode extneds the time of crash sometimes)


so GOOGLE introduces its latest browser CHROME CANARY....
it is most popular 64-bit browser specially designed for windows 8 and 10
its mainly purpose was to benefit the local enabling the developer mode

  1. It’s safe – it doesn’t affect regular Chrome
  2. It’s fun – you get to try the latest features earlier
  3. It auto-updates – unlike Chromium snapshots, Canary is updated almost daily
  4. It’s useful – developers can work with newer Chrome features & APIs sooner
  5. It’s proper Chrome – all of Chrome’s features are present, including Flash and PDF reader
but it is not so reliable as it is still in its developing stage
while the good news is we can run chrome and canary side by side(as windows 8 &10 allows u to multi windows ,so instead of using ms explorer u can use canary) like i am doing right now


Monday 21 December 2015

Drasphone:Now buy lagre phones and fold them

Imagine having a touchscreen smartphone that you could fold up. That’s a bit impractical right? Well, R&D CORE Limited doesn’t think so because that have come up with a concept for a foldable phone and it’s called Drasphone.
Now that’s an original smartphone! What you’re seeing below is called the Drasphone and it’s a handset that’s meant to combine the clamshell with a flexible handset. This conceptual smartphone is able to bend at 3 points, not two or one.

The concept behind the Drasphone is combining clamshell (flip) design of the 90s with modern day touchscreen display whiling pioneering flexible display technology. There are two ways to fold the phone: half folded which will give you the Squarish MiniDras and a complete fold which will give you the MicroDras. When completely folded, a portion of the screen is left exposed which will display all your notifications and relevant data even when your phone is in sleep mode.


Over the past year, we’ve learned the hard way that our cellular networks aren’t all that secure. As data vulnerabilities become a greater concern, people will demand better protection. The hypersecure Blackphone ensures that all communications remain private when being transmitted to and from the device. The phone runs on PrivatOS, a custom version of Android. In conjunction with an app suite, it can encrypt calls and texts—as well as enable private Web browsing and cloud storage. Messages and calls have unique encryption keys, so only the sender and recipient can decode each one.

afterthe huge sucess of BLACKPHONE in 2015  BLAVK PHONE 2 is launched

The Blackphone 2 acts like any other Android phone, but with a twist: it also runs Silent OS, an enhanced version of Android 5.1.1 Lollipop operating system, which adds a number of additional security features to the device.

 Silent OS is the renamed successor to the "PrivatOS" used on the previous Blackphone.

Apple Pay : feel free to travel without money..!!

Apple Pay allows any person with an iPhone to make payments quickly and securely. Many companies have tried to develop their own mobile payment platforms but Apple’s is likely different. The success of the iPhone means that Apple Pay already has a broad potential user base. New phones have built in finger print sensors which increase security. Apple Pay could make checking out at the grocery store a frictionless and more enjoyable process.

Sunday 20 December 2015

MAD Glass:Virtuality before reality

MAD Glass – it’s smart glasses from Hong Kong startup Dragon Creative, which will allow its owner to use almost all the functions of a smartphone,but it is not involved physically.
It is in measure the compact device that is somewhat similar to Google Glass unforgettable first generation able to carry out, if not all, almost all the functions of a smartphone. And this gadget do not have to get out of his pocket.

System device has a touch and voice control, and augmented reality technology makes the world interactive. The invention has four important functions: GPS-navigation, instant translator, the ability to communicate via popular instant messengers and telephone calls as well as play games and use other mobile applications.

Microsoft HoloLens: virtuality+reality

Microsoft has developed goggles that offer an augmented -- or "mixed" -- reality experience. 

Unlike Facebook's Oculus Rift, which completely blocks out the outside world to fully immerse the wearer in another reality, HoloLens keeps one foot (and both eyes) firmly planted in the real world. The lenses of the goggles are transparent, your view of the space around you only selectively blocked by digital images that can mingle with real objects. It's currently only available for software developers


have you ever thought that how your dreams are faded away as soon as u get awake

actually thats not truth to it...they aren't gone but are stored in some compartment of your brain but unlike the regular compartments it can't be fetched when needed
when you are doing something have you ever noticed that sometimes(like once every couple of months) u feel like you have gone through this all but practically you haven't ..but you have in your dream and youjust got a glimpse of the scene from that compartment of your brain

well scientists are trying to discover aa way for humans to fetch open that partcular compartmant of human brain for a period of time and when that happens it will be a revolution in gamming indutry...

till 2015 nerve gears were consider just a dream but with the recent development this dreams seems to be comming true

with this invention your won't be only able to track your dream but also change them and live in them like a real life experience

Magic Leap

Inventors have tried to develop realistic three-dimensional (3D) depictions of images for many years. Traditional 3D images fool your eyes by presenting multiple images at different angles.

 This approach works, but the downside is that it makes some users feel dizzy or ill.

 Magic Leap’s technology uses a very small projector to reflect light off a clear lens directly into the user’s retina. The result is an incomparably realistic image that appears in the real world. Beyond the implications for entertainment industry, the technology could provide incredibly realistic training for medical professionals or engineers


Saturday 19 December 2015

Electronic Paper : era of flexiability...!

This technology has been in development for over a decade* and is now seeing widespread use.* It works by combining organic, thin film transistors (TFT) with organic, electroluminescent displays. This produces flexible, paper-thin devices barely 0.3mm in thickness.
Early applications included the first e-readers, but more sophisticated products have now emerged, some capable of running high-quality video. Ultra-thin smartphones, clothing and textiles with electronic displays, video ID cards, video leaflets, road signs that are self-illuminating, video instructions on food and other packaging – these are just some of the items to feature this technology.

Friday 18 December 2015


Drawing on a touchscreen has never been as natural as doodling on paper. 
An iPad’s capacitive display only records touches that are greater than 4 millimeters too large for finer details. 
The tip of the Adobe Ink stylus is just 2 mm, but a specially designed transmitter near the grip of the pen tricks the screen into reading it anyway. 

The kit also comes with a bonus for draftspeople: the Slide ruler uses two capacitive pads to plot straight lines and other shapes onscreen


Long have we lived with the promise of truly flexible displays, and long have the nuances of material design kept it from becoming reality. Earlier this year, LG introduced the first large-size mass-producible flexible OLED display. Thanks in part to a bendable polyimide film (instead of hard plastic) on the back-plane panel, the 18-inch high-resolution screen can roll into a one-inch-wide tube. The company expects to develop an ultra-HD flexible monitor that’s greater than 60 inches by 2017.


Conventional wisdom dictates that heavy materials are strong and light materials are more flexible. Nano-architectures prove that it’s possible to turn those rules on their head. Engineers can fabricate materials with a complex web of metal trusses. In the future, super strong and light materials could improve a variety of products. Currently researchers at MIT, Caltech, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory are examining how to use these materials in high-density batteries and insulation

Thursday 17 December 2015

WiGig : now transfer data in GBs in seconds

This year, the first devices containing WiGig radios hit the market. WiGig is a new wireless standard that operates on the wider 60 GHz frequency band. Information can transfer from device to device at 7 gigabits per second, and its low latency makes it a prime candidate for wireless docking.

Companies including Dell, Qualcomm, and Intel are incorporating the technology into products. Their WiGig-enabled devices will be able to instantly wirelessly connect PCs and peripherals, in addition to function as access points and data sharing, ushering in the age of a truly wireless office.


Tuesday 15 December 2015

Ultra Short Throw 4K Projector is the Future of the Television

BOOM!! good new for cinema lovers ....The Ultra Short Throw 4K Projector was immediately one of the coolest things to come from CES at the beginning of this year(2015). We still view projectors as clunky, old technology, but Sony is looking to change that with its newest possible addition to your living room. It’ll take an entire wall of your living room, but with its beautiful, unobtrusive design, it fits in with the modern home pretty well. Say hello to the future of living room screens.


No cinema camera captures mind-blowing images like an IMAX camera, but because the cameras are so loud and heavy (the 3-D versions are around 200 pounds), cinematographers have to pick and choose when to use them. The new IMAX Digital 3D Camera weighs only 38 pounds and is nearly silent. That means cinematographers can mount it on cranes, squeeze it into tight spaces, or carry it above treetops in a hot-air balloon  to capture footage never before seen on the ultra-big screen or elsewhere, for that matter.


Facebook, Google, and Samsung may have ventured into the virtual reality market this year, but their head-mounted displays won’t find a lot of traction without good content to support them. 

The 360fly is a camera that may help capture all that immersive video. Using an eight-element lens, it records video 360 degrees around and 240 degrees up and down. For now, viewers can click on and drag footage to pan through scenes. Someday, with VR, they may just be able to move their heads. 

Saturday 12 December 2015


Built in collaboration with the robotics lab at the University of Cali­fornia at San Diego, the MiP, or mobile inverted pendulum, is the first self-balancing consumer robot. 

The device uses a set of multi­axis gyroscopes and accelerometers to remain upright. It can respond to gesture commands, zip around corners, and carry small items such as a soda can, all while remaining vertical. The best part? Users can network up to eight MiPs together for synchronized movement. Robot dance party!

Friday 4 December 2015

Synaptics SmartBar

Trackpads and touchscreens are great, but what if you could control your mouse without ever lifting your fingers off your keyboard? Synaptics' new SmartBar technology incorporates a trackpad into the spacebar, allowing you to pinch-to-zoom, scroll and launch quick tasks with your thumbs.

Thursday 3 December 2015

Intel Compute Stick: now convert ur LED into computer

The computer stick is the world's smallest Windows PC, a tiny thumb drive-sized device that converts any television or monitor into a functional computer. 

Similar to the Google Chromecast or Amazon Fire Stick, the Intel Compute Stick can be plugged into an HDMI port. The four-inch PC comes installed with Windows 10, 2 GB of RAM and 32 GB of storage.

Tuesday 1 December 2015


Removal of hair from the body – unpleasant, but a mandatory procedure, faced by most civilized people.
Every a man really hates to shave every day, and happy is he who can wear light stubble, or even the fashionable now beard. However, many still bound to the daily waste of time and unpleasant consequences in the form of strong irritation. But soon the will come end,when the market will do a new mega-razor Skarp.
The development team from the United States has decided to make life easier and make the shaving process less painful and does not cause unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation to the skin. Startup Skarp Technologies introduced innovative laser razor Skarp, which is suitable for all skin types, as well as for men / women / teenagers who have extremely sensitive skin. The product does not leave any scratches, cuts, irritation, there is no risk of infection. For use Skarp not necessary neither application of the gel or foam or aftershave. Razor does not require the purchase of expensive ink cartridges. Housing accessories are made of 6061. Shaver powered by batteries AAA, which is enough for a month of work. The service life of the laser itself is unfortunately not reported. The device uses a technology called IPL (intense pulsed light), which was invented in 1989 and is still used for hair removal and the dermatological treatment.

If the laser would durable,by saving on machine tools, foam and lotion Skarp very quickly pay for itself. Those wishing to try something new and safe found plenty – the project has already scored the required sum.


It’s just a helpful solution for a tricky situation. The situation being: you running out of juice on your mobile phone. So what do you do? Remove the battery from the back of the phone; give it a few good turns around your index finger and its gathered enough power to last you a conversation or a safe trip to your charger and electric point.

Miracle Cup:Now drink water like cola..

Now you can safely drink plain water, and the brain will perceive it for an unusually delicious flavored drink with sugar.

You feel you can refuse all soft drinks, juices, teas and coffee. Now you can only drink plain water and get a lot of pleasure. Developers of Right cup know,that the sense of taste is directly related to the sense of smell, so created the wonderful cup, which is able to fool the brain. The nose feels different scents and sends a corresponding signal to the brain in response to a feeling of sweetness for the beverage.

Action cups designed for 6 months, but on its surface there is no cover, so, it is impossible to wash off the delicious smell. This time is enough, to wean themselves from drinks with sugar. Cups provided with aroma of berries, orange, apple, lemon, peach and cola.

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